Navigating Picky Eaters: Moover's How-To

Cooking Guide for Age 2-4

Picky eaters eat better when they help prep the food. It gives a more fulfilling experience and sense of proudness from the child.


As notoriously picky eaters bringing toddlers and preschoolers into the kitchen can help them eat better. But don’t expect they’ll be at your side all afternoon helping cook an elaborate meal — 5 to 10 minutes is likely the extent of their interest. Start for a short time and keep it fun.

Focus on basic tasks and stay close by with activities like:

  • Setting the table
  • Stirring the pancake batter
  • Mashing the potatoes
  • Assembling a pizza

Encourage kids to taste new ingredients and talk about healthy foods. Alternatively you can choose to buy a mini kitchen for them. Go check out Kids-World if you want to read more about the possibilities for a mini-kitchen.

Cook happy!

 Auntie Dee, Moover Toys

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